
ProfitFab 2006 v19.1

Feature Enhancements

  • Audit Trail – ProfitFab will maintain an audit trail on changes made to data files. The Audit File will show you who made changes to what, and when they did it.
  • Added up/down buttons for easier searching through the Vendor Invoice tables.
  • Added a CC: button to allow for emailing forms to multiple contacts.
  • Added the ability to allocate material usage on jobs by marking operations complete from within the Job Form or from the Operation Scheduler.
  • Added the ability to open some reports directly into Microsoft Excel. Reports that can open in Excel are the Completion Summary, Active Job Status List, Employee Payroll, A/R Work in Process, Work in Process Detail and Summary, and the Invoice Register.
  • Added an In-House Jobs filter to Active Jobs Status Report.
  • Added Alternate Shipping options to Purchase Orders. Alternate Shipping can be chosen to any customer, vendor, or your own alternate shipping address.
  • Added a Certificate Report for printing Certificates of Compliance and Conformance.
  • Added ability to mark contacts as Primary Contact. New quotes, orders, and PO’s will default to the primary contact.

Quality Enhancements

  • Modified the Progress Bar on multiple reports to give a more accurate measure of % complete.
  • Added a warning screen to inform user if launching a 2nd copy of the program on the same computer.
  • Modified some Employee Reports to allow user to print Inactive Employees.
  • Modified the Job Reconcile Utility to remove operations completely if they do not have any time applied
  • Modified Job History Table to show which jobs have been reconciled for a part
  • Modified the Job Actual Material Usage screen to make it easier to update quantities on a job
  • Modified the text window in the SPC to allow for copy/paste
  • Insert of a new customer now defaults the customer to Taxable
  • Modified the Station Scheduler to not over-schedule from stock operations
  • Fixed problem where Receiving Form Report was not printing the Notes footer, and added the PO Line Item Notes field to the report.
  • Fixed problem in MRP Forecast Report that caused material not to print if the ID had been modified.
  • Modified the Printer Drop Down List to include all available local and network printers.
  • Added a security check box for printing the Links reports, to separate it from the Maintenance security.
  • Added a security check box for Un-Verifying Orders, to separate it from the Verify Orders security.
  • Fixed problem in the PO Receiving Report that caused it to combine services into one line item.
  • Modified the Customer Form to make it easier to read and enter data.

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