
What is the best report I could run to determine labour in productive hours and non-productive hours by employee for a period of time?

What is the best report I could run to determine labour in productive hours and non-productive hours by employee for a period of time?
What is the difference between idle time and non-productive time? We don’t seem to be tracking any non-productive time, just idle time.

The Productivity Report is the best report for that kind of information.

We are breaking time down into the categories of Productive, Non Productive, and Idle.

The Productive / Non Productive comes down to how an operation is set up. There is a checkbox on the Operations form where you determine if an operation is Productive or not. If the box is checked, time spent at that operation will either be Productive or Idle. If it is not checked, time will either be Non Productive or Idle.

Idle time is time that is spent doing nothing. If you use the attendance clock along with the regular clock to track time, time spent clocked into the attendance clock, but not clocked into any station is considered Idle time. On the Operation Form there is a checkbox for Job # Required. If it is checked, this is one of the operations that can go onto part definitions. If an employee is clocked into one of these operations, we look for the presence of a job at the same station. If a job is there, the time will either be Productive or Non Productive depending on the previous setting. If a job is not there, then the time will be Idle. It is like an employee clocks into a station, but there is no work taking place.

If the Job # Required box is not checked, then we aren’t concerned about the presence of a job while they are clocked into that operation. The fact they clock into means they are working on something and the time will be either Productive or Non Productive.

You can set up operations to track time on anything you want to track time against, whether or not those are operations used to build parts. I’ve seen shops track time for meetings, training, machine maintenance, shop cleanup, etc. For the most part, those probably wouldn’t be considered Productive, but they also wouldn’t be something you would put onto a part definition. So those would not have the Job # Required box checked, and any time spent clocked into them will not be considered Idle.

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