
ProfitFab 2008 v21.1

Feature Enhancements

  • Emailed reports are now sent in PDF format instead of GIF
  • Webbing/Skeleton fields added to Part Product Forms
  • Weight added to Part Definition Form. Program will calculate part weight based on materials used for simple parts, assemblies, and assembly components. If In House Products are attached as products to a part definition, they must be calculated before the parent parts are calculated.
  • QuickBooks export now allows for selecting accounts for line items
  • Support for dual taxes and QuickBooks Canadian version added.

Quality Enhancements

  • Job Notes field added to Excel output for Active Job Status Listing report. Notes are limited to the first 255 characters, which is a cell limit in Excel.
  • Graphical reports modified to overcome a problem locking up in Windows XP (no problem found within Windows 2000 or Vista).
  • SMTP port number added to Setup®System®Quote-Email tab for sending email through servers that require a different port other than 25.
  • Modified the job routines so that creating a From Stock job does not modify the part cost field.
  • Accounting tab modified in the System Setup to allow the full path size (250 characters) for Sales and Payables export.
  • Adjusted invoice numbers exported into Peachtree.  Allows long invoice numbers to be fully exported without being clipped.
  • MRP Adjust utility modified to correctly restore On Job for In House parts if that was the only box checked.
  • Vendor Invoices added to Data Purge Utility.
  • Modified the Part Last Cost to be an Average Cost when verifying an order. If the job is a ship from stock job, the Last Cost is not modified.
  • Adjusted routing sequence/re-sequence on part definitions.
  • Physical Count Sheets report will now bring up the correct Categories in the Category Select table.
  • Increased Pieces per Part field in the Part Product Form to accommodate numbers greater than 99.
  • Routing Notes added to Operation Schedule Table.
  • Updated the Shipping Schedule Form to add Last Inventoried Date, Bin Location, and Part Definition Notes.
  • Modified the Quote, Order, and Invoice Forms to allow for more contact details.
  • Shipping Form modified to include Part Information and allow for editing the Bin Location of the parts.
  • Bin Location, Last Inventoried Date, and Part Weight Fields added to Part Inventory forms for the job.
  • Additional security field added to separate being able to modify material quote/estimate cost from inventory cost.
  • Active Jobs Status Report modified to allow for more accurate descriptions for Current Operation, Next Operation, and Status.
  • Modified the Job Routing Form to automatically update Machine and Labor Cost.
  • Clock program modified to read real-time Machine Rate for Job Time entries. This will allow user to change rates in default operations and employees clocking job in will immediately clock the new active rate.

Fields added to Reports

When updating ProfitFab, fields that are added to reports are not automatically added to your layouts for those reports. These fields are made available to your layouts but must be added to each report layout, if desired, from within the Report Designer.


Fields Added

PO, Detailed PO, Receiving Form, RFQ, Service PO, Service Receiving Form, Service PO on Pre-print, PO on Pre-print reports Vendor Notes
All 4 MRP reports Bin Location and Last Inventory Date
Vendor Product Listing Bin Location, Stock level, and Reorder point
Customer Part Costing Last COG and line total fields for COG
Excel export of the customer listing Multiple fields added to include listing of inactive customers
Packing slip and preprint packing slip Invoice Order Date
Parts Report Part Weight, Part Dim X, Part Dim Y, Web X, and Web Y
Order Estimation and Quote Estimation reports Part Weight
Job Labels PO Number
Packing Slip and Packing Slip on Preprinted reports Part Weight and Packing Slip Total Part Weight
Route Sheet Part Weight, Part Dim X, Part Dim Y, Part Webbing X, and Part Webbing Y
Product Listings Last Inventoried Date, On Hand, On Order, Reorder Point, Stock Level, Weight

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