ProfitFab 2007 v20.2
Feature Enhancements
- Added Excel export to the Job MRP table and to the Product and Part Audit tables
- Added Excel export to the following reports:
- Customer Listing
- Part Listing
- Part Physical Count Sheet
- Customer Part Costing
- Open Quotes
- Open Orders
- Verified Quotes
- Verified Orders
- Operation Forecast
- Completed Job Listing
- Added the ability to Receive All items on an entire PO
- Added the ability to rename Inventory Type Headings
Quality Enhancements
- Scrap report now prints part numbers
- MRP Adjust Utility now correctly calculates new MRP for Services when a PO already exists for that service on a job
- Aligned security settings for the Assembly Links button on the Part Definition form to grant Supervisor Access
- Added the AUDIT and PRDAUDIT files to the File Fix Utility
- Adjusted the Search procedure in the Operation Scheduler to work when accessed from the Schedule pull-down menu
- Corrected issue with In-House Products updating the Product Audit history
- Added a Links button to the Product / Service Table to enable finding In-House Products used as products on part definitions
- Adjusted the Excel output from the Operation Schedule Report to allow for performing mathematical operations on the Hours field
- Made changes to the Scrap Form in the Administrative program to allow for updating job quantities when scrapping parts
- Active Jobs Report now shows on hand amounts for In-House Products
- Adjusted the shipping procedure to update the Part Audit files
Fields added to Reports
Fields that are added to reports are not automatically added to your layouts for those reports. These fields are made available to your layouts but must be added to each report layout, if desired, from within the Report Designer.
- Added Price fields to the Customer Part Costing Report to allow for viewing either cost or sale price data for the report. Also modified the report to prompt user for desired layout so that layouts can be set up for both cost and price.
- Added Vendor Name and Vendor ID fields to the Red Flag Purchased Report