ProfitFab 2012 v23.3 patch 1
- Fixed problem with Invoice Register not printing total
- Quote/Order price would change when Hold Price was checked if you went to the part definition and came back out to the Line Form, the cancelled the Line Form
- Customer Parts Table lookup always went to the first part in the table and not the last part that was in memory
- Default salesperson not being saved on Customer Form. To fix this, you must run the SALESMAN.EXE application once or run the full update program which will run this application for you.
- Added a Default value for prompting on the Operation Complete Screen to select the default value as either Yes or No
- Added the Route Sheet Printed field to the Excel output of the Active Jobs reports
- Added check boxes for filtering on the Nest Job Search report and the Nest Jobs Select Table to control whether or not to include jobs that have already started tracking time at the nest operation
- Added a check box to control how operations are added to new part definition routing table, where double-clicking will either add the operation or open the Part Routing Form
- Added the Scheduled Completion Date field to all Active Job Status reports
- Fixed a problem with multiple time entries for a single nest job caused by 1st and 2nd shift people clocking into the same nest
- Added Line Number field to Blanket Order, Order and Invoice, and made the field available to print on Blanket Order, Blanket Order Acknowledgement, Order, Order Acknowledgement, Order Estimation, Invoice, Packing Slip, and Packing Labels reports.